General Data Protection Regulations Information to Participants
Competitor data will be retained and used for the following:
Where a competitor has been awarded a trophy, the organisers will retain the name, address, email address and contact telephone numbers of the recipient to aid the return of the trophy for the following year.
Where competitors pay entry fees by cheque, details of any cheque will be retained until the show has been held. Details of individual payments will be kept for as long as is necessary to satisfy the data retention requirements of the statutory authorities and accountants. Names of competitors will be retained in the archives for the purpose of preserving the history of the show as a social resource.
Disclosure of Personal Data
Personal data will not be disclosed to any third party for the purpose of marketing, publicity or any like matter, except where the names (and possibly photograph) of competitors may be used for post-show reports in the local press and social media.
Retention of Data With the exception of the matters listed above, no details of any participant or trader will be retained for any other purpose.
Gwybodaeth Rheoliadau Diogelu Data Cyffredinol ar gyfer Cyfranogwyr
Cedwir a defnyddir data cystadleuwyr ar gyfer y canlynol:
Pan fydd cystadleuydd yn derbyn tlws, bydd y trefnwyr yn cadw enw, cyfeiriad, cyfeiriad ebost a rhifau ffôn cyswllt y cystadleuydd i hwyluso dychwelyd y tlws ar gyfer y flwyddyn ganlynol. Pan fydd cystadleuwyr yn talu ffioedd cystadlu gyda siec, cedwir manylion unrhyw siec tan ddiwedd y sioe. Cedwir manylion taliadau unigol am gyn hired â sy’n angenrheidiol i ddiwallu gofynion cadw data yr awdurdodau statudol a’r cyfrifwyr. Cedwir enwau cystadleuwyr yn yr archifau at ddiben diogelu hanes y sioe fel adnodd cymdeithasol.
Dateglu Data Personol
Ni ddatguddir data personol i unrhyw drydydd person at ddiben marchnata, cyhoeddusrwydd neu unrhyw fater tebyg, ac eithrio pan y gellir defnyddio enwau (ac efallai luniau) cystadleuwyr ar gyfer adroddiadau yn y wasg leol ac ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol.
Cadw Data Ac eithrio’r materion a restrir uchod, ni chedwir manylion unrhyw gyfranogwyr na fasnachwyr ar gyfer unrhyw bwrpas arall.